2024 and House of Marley's Planting Project
Good news, your trees have been planted in Australia!
Thanks to your support, a total of 509,500 trees were planted to restore 394 hectares of land in Australia!
The objective of this project is to restore native vegetation that has been over-cleared to promote landscape connectivity within the Yorke Peninsula of South Australia. Taking place on an Indigenous Protected Area, the project worked closely with Traditional Owners and the local community, while aiding conservation efforts for numerous threatened species by restoring vital habitat and expanding wildlife corridors. Marna Banggara is from the Narungga language; with with marna meaning ‘healthy or prosperous’ and banggara meaning ‘Country.'

Earth Month is a time to celebrate all that nature does for us — and take action to protect it. By raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting actions that protect the planet, individuals, organizations, and communities can work together to secure a greener future. Anyone can play a role in creating positive change. Whether you volunteer your skill set to an organization in need, or get your hands in the dirt at a local restoration or cleanup event, there are numerous ways to get involved! |
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