A Percentage Of Every House Of Marley Sale Is Donated To Onetreeplanted.org
One Tree Planted founder, Matt Hill.
Everyday we’re looking into new projects for companies that want to make an impact. Just as an individual, as a carbon foot print, a company can quantity what their carbon footprint is. There’s a lot of thought in terms of what House of Marley uses to make their products. Recycled materials, materials that are just better for the environment rather than virgin materials. With One Tree Planted we’re trying to connect with those type of products that do care about the environment or corporate social responsibility in giving back.
The reason why I started it is to give people in businesses the opportunity to do something simple for the environment. One dollar, one tree. I tell people about the 6 pillars on the importance of trees: air, water, bio diversity, social impact, health & wellness, & carbon sequester. What some people really liked about One Tree Planted is the fact were planting it around four regions of the world. The way it works is that an individual or business will donate to us.
We’ll go out and find great projects that are out there for them to make sure that the trees are getting planted and having a positive impact. So the benefits of a particular project you want to look into is what are the ecological benefits? What are the community benefits? What are the biodiversity benefits?
Everybody has an impact so we’re just trying to make it easy for people to understand how they’re affecting the environment and make it easy for them to contribute and give back.
So what we want to do with great brands such as House of Marley is not even show just the fact that they stepped up to the plate and planted 25,000 trees, but now can lead people into saying I want to get involved. Being associated with House of Marley is a great win win situation and it just helps with the visibility of this particular cause.
Find the full list of The House of Marley Range below
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